Unexpected Love Letters

It is not a requirement that love letters come from a romantic interest. While in the midst of "KonMari-ing" my closet, I've come across so many different notes from friends and family.  Things that meant so much to me, at the time, that they were shoved in a box to eventually be found while cleaning my... Continue Reading →

Finding Time to Write

  I was drawn to the writer at New Mercies For Me  because we both have difficulty finding time to write.  A challenge from The Daily Post prompted us to collaborate on a post.  In tackling the issue of how to find time to write, we each came to the conclusion that for our individual schedules, scheduling a... Continue Reading →

Music is a refuge

“Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”— Maya Angelou There are so many quotes, so many resource materials referring to the power of music.  Those that have known me for any length of time know just how big a role music plays in... Continue Reading →

The Space to Write

For large chunks of my childhood and young adulthood, I kept a journal at my bedside.  My writings were always done in pencil, not so much to correct mistakes, although that happened, on occasion, but more because I was certain these writings would become valuable to my descendants, therefore needed protection from water damage.  Silly me.... Continue Reading →

A story in an image

Summertime in the South is synonymous with swimming. As a youth, I spent a lot of time in the water. My grandparents took my sisters and me, frequently, to the beach. My parents took us frequently to the community pool. My father was even a high school swim coach. Yet, I never felt comfortable swimming.... Continue Reading →


This past weekend was my 30th high school class reunion.  It wasn't actually the school from which I graduated but the school I attended for 8 years, through the 10th grade. The 10-12 classmates in attendance, plus  a few spouses, represented 25% of the class. Many others live in town, but for whatever reason, stayed... Continue Reading →

Things I’ve learned in my 48th Summer

As my father rapidly approaches his 70th birthday, his return to his "roots" has left the rest of the family rolling our eyes.  The fraction of his genetic code that came from Louisiana means that he must now greet all strangers in French.  The portion that can be traced back to the Native Americans means... Continue Reading →

Everyday Inspiration: Day 1 -Why write?

I write, or type, because it is therapeutic.  Both writing and typing are as relaxing to me as knitting is to others.  Since childhood, I've used writing as a way to release my frustrations, clarify my thoughts, and identify solutions to problems.  Writing is similar to  having a conversation with oneself, but without appearing mentally ill... Continue Reading →

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motherhood, business, kids, people


Short reads on the mixed tides of human nature.


30 YEARS DOWN forever to go! (Roadtrek SS Agile)

This Is My Thing

I am challenging myself to try something new each month in 2022 + then I write about it here. New posts every Friday ✍

Word of the Day Challenge

Alternative haven for the Daily Post's mourners!

Empish J. Thomas

Freelance Writer, Disability Blogger and Accessibility Consultant. I write and blog about #Accessibility #AudioDescription #Blindness #Disability and #Reading

~Plucking Of My Heartstrings~

Blogging on a variety of things that pluck at the hearts' emotions & more

Books of Brilliance

The latest book reviews and book news

Cherie White

Author and Anti-Bullying Advocate

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

Motown Savvy

Fun, Fashion, Frivolity: An insider guide to Metro Detroit and beyond

My Memory List

Living Life. Making Memories.


The blog of Academe magazine

Behind the White Coat

Beats a real human heart...