When older isn’t wiser

A friend asked for my professional review of an article. One quick glance at the article and I knew my conclusion would not be positive but I wanted to give it due diligence out of respect for our friendship. Two quick Google searches later and the result was worse than anticipated so I put it... Continue Reading →

Play it again, SAM(HSA)

Recently, the headlines informed us of a former beauty queen who tragically committed suicide. Such events are often followed by a flurry of headlines pleading with those suffering from mental illness to 'seek help.' My intent is not to sound cliché but the sad truth is we, collectively, need to recognize signs and symptoms of... Continue Reading →

Midlife Skateboarding?

Comedian Stephen Colbert tweeted the following, this morning, in response to this article suggesting skateboarding as a solution to midlife depression. If you have not started following the social media accounts of comedians as a means of bringing joy and laughter to your life, I highly recommend this. Throughout the pandemic, my husband and I... Continue Reading →

Listen to Your Body!

If you were involved in any athletic activities in your youth, you may have grown up with such phrases as “No Pain, No Gain.” Although this phrase became synonymous with sports and exercise, it is actually a very old proverb instructing us that sacrifice is necessary to gain success. But the actual, definition of ‘pain’... Continue Reading →

What we can learn from salmon

Recently, I visited a church where a friend of mine serves as pastor. During the sermon, she told of a documentary she'd seen on the lives of salmon and how their entire species depends on the success of their upstream journey.  Her storytelling skills left me believing I had seen the documentary myself.  The vivid... Continue Reading →

Stepping outside my comfort zone

I have a great life.  Working 2 days per week.  Plenty of time to fill with my personal projects.  So what was I thinking when I enrolled to obtain a Masters degree, online? Google didn't exist the last time I was enrolled in school.  Imagine my panic when I spent an entire day navigating the... Continue Reading →

Signs That You Are Older Than You Feel

I like people.  I like talking to people, especially vibrant, intelligent people, with whom I share certain interests.  We will be great friends, I think to myself. There are, however, those occasions when, in the course of a conversation, I am struck with the realization that I am older than I feel.  These statements came... Continue Reading →


It was another one of those Twilight Zone moments.  They seem to increase, exponentially, with each passing year.  I opened the front door of my house and saw something, sort of familiar on the sidewalk. (Thinking to myself) What is that? (Getting closer) That looks like the carabiner from my key chain. Wow, that's exactly... Continue Reading →

The Crazy Life of a Champion

The thrill of victory.  The agony of defeat.  These are the events that make up our youth.  As a child, my sisters and I glued our little bottoms to our chairs for each Olympics and watched every single cover story.  The athletes worked day and night to achieve their goals, many having to overcome huge obstacles... Continue Reading →

10 years before my time

This week's writing challenge is the perfect time for me to discuss an issue with which I have dealt for the past 10 years. It cost $350 in air-conditioner, service calls to discover that those periodic waves of extreme heat were in fact, emanating from inside my body.  A normal person of this technological age would have... Continue Reading →

Queen of De-nial!

My marriage is one made in heaven. My husband LOVES to cook. I LOVE to eat! When we married in 2003, I was a healthy size 8. My frame is thin but I love my sweets and good food. In the first two years of marriage, I had grown to a size 16 and quickly... Continue Reading →

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Empish J. Thomas

Freelance Writer, Disability Blogger and Accessibility Consultant. I write and blog about #Accessibility #AudioDescription #Blindness #Disability and #Reading

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Books of Brilliance

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Cherie White

Author and Anti-Bullying Advocate

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

Motown Savvy

Fun, Fashion, Frivolity: An insider guide to Metro Detroit and beyond

My Memory List

Living Life. Making Memories.


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Behind the White Coat

Beats a real human heart...