
He called me late, as I was settling in for the evening. "My best friend's uncle was killed," he said. Unfortunately, this was not the first time I received one of these calls. He lost many friends and family members to gun violence. And every time he suffered a tragedy and wanted to talk about... Continue Reading →

Write it down!

Bloganuary Day #8 What I like most about my writing is the ability to preserve a memory while it's still fresh in my mind. My family has occasionally joked about my ability to remember things "from the womb." Of course I can't but I associate my long-term memory with the fact that I have always... Continue Reading →

Things I’ve learned in my 48th Summer

As my father rapidly approaches his 70th birthday, his return to his "roots" has left the rest of the family rolling our eyes.  The fraction of his genetic code that came from Louisiana means that he must now greet all strangers in French.  The portion that can be traced back to the Native Americans means... Continue Reading →

Photo 101 – Color

Assignment - "...The colors in our photographs are evocative and rouse emotions within us. Color can elevate a mundane image into something intriguing and meaningful, and can tell a particular story within the frame…" There is a house in our neighborhood that is particularly intriguing.  In a community of conservative bungalows, it looks like a... Continue Reading →

The End of Life as We Know It

It's happening to most of my friends at this time in life. The children are leaving home and it's as if someone has died. In an instant, the once, revolving door becomes still. There's no chatter and laughter drifting downstairs. All of sudden you have way too much food and don't even know how to... Continue Reading →

Death Be Not Proud

I had to attend the funeral of a dear friend, recently.  I last heard from him the day before he died.  This post is from a dear friend of mine.  She is a phenomenal nurse.  It touched me so much, I wanted to share and she gave me permission.  It's good reminder that even the... Continue Reading →

The Quiet Mother

Yesterday, a blog post prompted me to think about my mother.  Click here to visit that site.  Although I simply commented on a memory of a calf being born, the post gave me much more to contemplate.  With Mother's Day just around the corner, allow me to tell you about my mother. Once, while sharing childhood stories... Continue Reading →

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30 YEARS DOWN forever to go! (Roadtrek SS Agile)

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Empish J. Thomas

Freelance Writer, Disability Blogger and Accessibility Consultant. I write and blog about #Accessibility #AudioDescription #Blindness #Disability and #Reading

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Cherie White

Author and Anti-Bullying Advocate

Something to Ponder About

Musings on Life - Creative Writing - The Environment

Motown Savvy

Fun, Fashion, Frivolity: An insider guide to Metro Detroit and beyond

My Memory List

Living Life. Making Memories.


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Behind the White Coat

Beats a real human heart...